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香港樂團 The Sulis Club 成立於 2013 年,活躍在香港和臺灣,主要演出包括:  2016 年香港草民音樂營、臺灣春天呐喊音樂節、臺灣覺醒音樂節、香港 Wow&Flutter 音樂節及廣州天環炫音天空音樂節。2017年香港搶耳音樂節、韓國Stepping Stone 音樂節、台灣無限自由音樂節及2018年在野音樂周。

樂團曲風揉合英倫搖滾 Brit Rock 、點點日系搖滾、流暢的流行旋律,甚至加入點點爵士樂的元素。2015年8月贏得香港青年協會 2015 青年樂隊大賽 - 最佳主唱 ,2017年被美國音樂雜誌「Alternative Press」評選為香港十大音樂新星,2018年一月更贏得著名烈酒廠商Bacardi 「We are the legacy」唱作人大賽冠軍。

2016 7月發表首張處男專輯《Peaceful Day》,單曲如〈Devil Inside Me 〉、〈Summer Sonic〉等曾進入 StreetVoice 排行票十大位置。 2016年末他們 再帶來全新單曲〈Before It Blows〉,這一首是急激爽勁的作品,歌詞帶出關注環境問題的訊息。這首歌曾進入看見音樂-看見音樂榜No.2。2017年發表了第二張迷你專輯《There Will Be Light》及單曲〈Come On〉,專輯和單曲都廣受好評。

"The Sulis Club" 名字的由來是原自英國一個城市巴斯,那裏在西元前是羅馬人溫泉聖地,名為 "Aquae Sulis" ,意即蘇利斯之水,在當時來自世界各地的羅馬人都慕名而來。 他們希望他們的音樂靈感如水般,而音樂對他們而言就像是水一樣是生命的必需品。

The Sulis Club was formed in October 2013, winning band from the 2018 'Bacardi- We are the Legacy' singer-songwriter competition and "Best Vocalist" from the 2015 Hong Kong Youth Band Sound Competition. The band is a Hong Kong four piece Indie-Rock band passionate about making music by using their own thoughts and musical spirits. Their music combines the elements of Brits-Rock, Japanese Rock, Instrumental rock and pop rock. And their work was influenced by Oasis, Jets, Ellegarden, Toe, Hiatus, The Killers and many more.

The Sulis Club has been active in the local indie band scene of Hong Kong as a frequent act in live houses, universities, beer festivals and commercial performances. While the band's variety of song themes and tempo allow them to perform in different settings, they always enjoyed an energetic act that delivers a blast to their audience. They had a few such spectacular moments on the stages of wow and flutter WEEKEND, one of the first major music festivals for local indie bands in Hong Kong; in the finals of Streetvoice HK The Next Big Thing 2015; and EarUp Music Festival, as the final showcase of the EarUp musician mentorship programme, in Macpherson Stadium. At the time of their debut EP release, they self-funded and co-organized a music festival "Britrock Revolution”, which not only gave them an unforgettable night performing for their fans but also valuable experience with the logistic and planning of band shows. 

Overseas music festivals and acts are always exciting and impactful to them as they can explore first-hand new music scenes and showcase their materials, and they took advantage of both their music genre and language to expand our audience spectrum, particularly in south-east Asia. They joined festival such as Taiwan Spring Scream Music Festival (春吶音樂節), Wakeup Festival (覺醒音樂祭), Winder Music Festival (發條音樂節), Korea Stepping Stone Festival, GuangZhou Live Wild Music Week and etc.  In 2017, they started their first-ever tour in China and Taiwan. These experiences equipped them well in terms of performing and touring logistics as professional musicians, and at the same time brought them great inspirations and materials to create better music.

Winner of the Bacardi "We are the legacy" Singer Songwriter Competition 
Alternative Press - "10 of the best emerging artists from Hong Kong"
2015 Hong Kong Youth Band Sound Competition - Best Vocalist Award

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